Happy New Year! Oh, and LizardQ is changing.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
We start off 2022 with a few changes regarding how LizardQ operates:
1. LizardQ is now operating out of Berlin, Germany, where we had a second office for a few years now. Please note our changed address. Phone numbers will change in the future as well.
2. Founding member Stefan Steuerwald will leave the company effective today.
Business will continue as usual, with founding member Axel Waggershauser in charge.
Stefan wishes to express his gratitude to all customers, partners, suppliers and coworkers who have put
their confidence in LizardQ. He thanks all for being part of his journey in the world of pixels and 360°
imagery for almost 25 years, after which he felt it was time to change his focus on new endeaveours.
I wish him all the best and am glad I had the chance to work with him on building LizardQ for over a decade.
He will be missed.
Thank you, Stefan.